Apart from Islam, student equity is a cause that is important to me. Student equity is to treat each student fairly, meaning that no particular student should be treated too softly or too harshly,which is student inequity.An example of student inequity:There is a particular student who is called 'the teacher's pet',who the teacher likes,is hesitant to hit him/her and so on. Meanwhile,there is the student who is treated like an outcast.This is the student who always gets hit, always gets punished,and never seemed to do anything good in the teacher's eyes. If you look deeper into it, you'll find out: there is nothing special or appalling about the two students. Sometimes there is only one of them in a classroom, and sometimes they coexist with each other in the same classroom. In these cases,it is possible for them to hold grudges against each other. Now in some cases,there are students who need extra attention from their teacher because they have a learning or physical disability. The teacher will have to explain why he/she has to give extra to this/these student (s).
In another example of student inequity,a school holds a speech and prize giving day. Some students, get to present and get prizes and some don't. The prizes are concentrated on punctuality, neatness and so on,and since not all students have the attributes that the consider good enough to be prized,not all of them get prizes. I once questioned my head teacher about this and he said that the students who didn't get any prizes this year, will try to do better and get prizes the next year. I couldn't understand. I don't know where they got the notion that when people feel worse, they do better. There are a lot of attributes that students have that deserve to be rewarded. Now I'm not saying that the ones the prizes are already based on aren't important. I'm just saying that the attributes that are given based on should be made abundant or unlimited. Or for a whole year, someone should find out:what is it that each student that deserves to be rewarded for. If we don't do this, we'll make feel they're not unique,and that those who received prizes are better than them. It might even lower their self esteem. I believe that student inequity is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.
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